Thanks for stopping by to read my story. I've been a professional painter since 2003.
I discovered my serious artistic talent at 44 and started working as a full time artist at 46. At first I painted flower pots and jewelry boxes, moving on to glassware, which I painte1d exclusively from 2005 until 2019 when I began to transition to Fluid Acrylic and canvas and then to some epoxy resin work.
Thanks for stopping by to read my story. I've been a professional painter since 2003.
I discovered my serious artistic talent at 44 and started working as a full time artist at 46. At first I painted flower pots and jewelry boxes, moving on to glassware, which I painte1d exclusively from 2005 until 2019 when I began to transition to Fluid Acrylic and canvas and then to some epoxy resin work.